Monday, September 26, 2011


Lucy may be big, hairy and slobbery....but that doesn't mean anything to her pal Hal. Doesn't this picture just make you turn to mush.....

"I love Lucy and I don't care who knows it!"

Lucy has been known to seek belly rubs and hugs often. She knows exactly who to hunt down for some lovin'.....

"Now I can't hug both of you at the same'll have to wait in line"

Despite her promises, she didn't seem to distribute her hugs evenly. More hugs for Lucy....

And even more hugs.....

"I just need a pillow made of your fur"

Can't do all of that hugging without checking her tags.....

"Just checkin' to see if your rabies vaccine is up-to-date"

Emmi got zero hugs and only had one thing to say: "Lucy, you got some splainin' to do!!!"

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