Monday, August 30, 2010

What's in a Name...

I know that I have shared the story of how we decided on Hallie's name with a few people, but I thought I would let everyone in on the story. I was around 5 months pregnant and really anxious to find out the gender of our baby. We had a boy name picked out before I even got pregnant, but no girl name. I think it was because we were both 99% sure I was having a boy. Wrong! I got to the point where I was not even going to try to think of a perfect girl name because we always hated each other's suggestions. During church the following week, we were singing during praise time and all of a sudden the name came to me...I leaned over and ran it past Riley and he didn't made a bad face! I had the approval! I googled the name immediately when I got home to discover the meaning of Halle. Low and behold, the Internet is telling me it comes from the word hallelujah, meaning "to praise God." COOL!!! We definitely took it as a sign that it was meant to be. I think we changed the meaning a little when we added the "i" to her name....BUT, I do believe her name was sent from God just like she was. :) Our heaven sent angel...

The 3 of us enjoyed a lazy Sunday at home. Hallie was lively and curious all day! Hallie and dad did their exercises while mom did hers. Riley kicks her legs out and counts to 10 for her. They are hilarious together and keep me laughing all day for sure. Case in point....

My Supermodels

I even got a 3 (yes, 3) hour nap while dad watched the 3 babies (dogs included). I was pretty shocked that I heard no noise for the full 3 hours. Around here it is hard to go one minute without Emmi barking for no reason. We call it SBDD.....Sporadically Barking Dog Disease. She has a bad case of it. And she seems to be reverting back to her childhood...............

We awoke early this morning to take our morning walk. She goes right to sleep in her stroller and usually sleeps the whole time. She has met most of our neighbors and they know her by name already! The weather was beautiful and no crazy dogs chased us so I would say it was a success...our neighborhood is apparently the place to be for stray dogs as well psycho dogs who have superhuman power that allow them to jump fences. Dog party central!! I have yet to go on a run through our neighborhood without being chased or followed by canines! A pit bull mix jumped a fence the other morning and I think my life flashed before my eyes. Once I realized he was not going to kill Hallie and I, I screamed at him and he ran away with his tail between his legs. That one had me scratching my head for sure...

Hallie made momma proud this morning...we went on a shopping excursion to Walmart, then ran some quick errands to the bank and post office. She did great and didn't cry at all! I liked going mid-morning because it was empty and not a lot of people were around to breathe on her. Lol! Good thing she was sleeping soundly when the man/woman whom I will call "Pat" approached her to take a look in her carseat.... I think the sight may have scared her if she had been awake. I would have felt it necessary to give Hallie her first lesson in managing facial hair appropriately. :)

I am in need of some motherly advice. Please. HOW ON EARTH DOES ONE UNLOAD 20 BAGS OF GROCERIES WITH A SCREAMING BABY? I mean, they have to go in the refrigerator quickly so I can't just let them sit there. My solution....carry the baby and unload everything with one hand. Ten trips to the car and back. Unpacking was even more handed food storage....I definitely used my mouth, feet and forehead to compensate for my missing arm. She seemed entertained so I guess it was worth it....:)

She already has a busy day planned tomorrow so she is getting her beauty rest as I type. We are going to my work to meet everyone and then to Riley's work to meet the girls in the office. I can't wait to introduce her to everyone!

Looks like someone is getting squirmy and ready to eat. It looks like most of my blogs will probably end with "baby is hungry and ready to eat." Lol! Thanks for reading...

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