Sunday, May 24, 2015

Keepin' the doctor in business

Baby girl is a pro at strep by now. And her parents are pros at seeing it coming on. Just like clockwork.
Even when she doesn't quite look "sick" we can pick up on the crying for no reason, temper tantrums out of the blue and other fun things that happen before she begins throwing up everywhere. Strep. It just sucks.  

Off to the doctor we went for the millionth time for the millionth round of antibiotics that she was sure to refuse to swallow and spit all over her, us, the get the picture. Fun times. But the positive part about the recurring situation is that she kicked the sickness pretty quickly each time....

And we had some pretty entertaining mommy/daughter days while she was home sick...

One sick girl was enough. Add in the other and it made for a VERY LONG winter. Miss Bella started in with some respiratory problems with a few ear infections and some teeth piled on top. Whadya get???? A lot of crying and coughing and no sleep to speak of.  We were at the doctor weekly. Revolving door of sickness.


Absolutely pathetic.

But cute. Pathetic and very very cute.

The counter was colorful.

Back to the sickness. All. Winter. Long.

To the doctor we go.

Did I mention the part about being pathetic???

After a winter that tested our patience the girls have been blessed with an illness free spring. Wellllllll, almost. Hal gave strep another couple of go rounds prior to having her tonsils removed in March. Tremendous blessing! Then she came down with fifth disease....which she shared with her dear mommy. It only took a doctor visit, two visits to a rheumatologist, two weeks of itchy rash head to toe, five weeks of brain fog and inability to function normally, four weeks of joint pain and swelling, six weeks of fatigue, countless hours of worrying, 19 vials of blood.....then the doc told me it was an adult case of fifth disease. There's nothing quite like the feeling of worrying and thinking you have a chronic systemic illness....let's just say it forced me to do a lot of soul searching, drew me even closer to God and helped me make some positive changes. Praise God for a simple answer and no lasting issues. We've covered the three ladies in the what about that daddy guy? He wouldn't be left out. He gave me a good scare one night when he passed out while walking to the bathroom. He fell so hard that he cracked a tile with his forehead. After a checkup with the doc he was found to have some high blood pressure and an irregular EKG. To the cardiologist he went. After a couple of tests he was free and clear. Healthy guy who just needs a little bit of stress relief more often. I'm beyond grateful for God's provision in our lives this past year. It's been a crazy one!

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