Monday, November 10, 2014

Bella: 2-3 months old

Just when I thought I couldn't enjoy my lovebug more she went and started sleeping like a champ. Eight solid hours of sleep felt phenomenal for this mom who had become accustomed to a zombie-like state. No more blood shot eyes and 3 a.m. feedings. Just in time to return to work. The day I took her to daycare was plenty more sad that the first day I dropped Hal off. This time I was leaving two babies to play and go to school while I headed off to work. My first week back coincided with Hallie's first big week of Pre-K. More about this exciting and stressful week in a future post (who knows when that will be, ha) though. For now I want to talk about this precious blessing from above at two months old.....
We enjoyed our time at home together a little too much. So much so that we really had a hard time parting ways......
"You mean you're leaving me?!?!"
Crying was a rarity. Even first thing in the morning with a hungry tummy she was always very patient and polite with just a few subtle grumbles. After her breakfast she would help me wake up big sis for school. Often she'd drift off back to sleep right next to her....

My seemingly itty bitty baby was truly a pretty big gal for her age. At her two month checkup she weighed in at 12lb4oz. She loves her some mommy's milk!

Her favorite position was nestled in somewhere with a cozy blanket and her fists clenched tight....

We busted out the Bumbo and boy howdy she looks adorable giving it a whirl....

Much to her dad's dismay I began the brainwashing process early with this one. Ya gotta start 'em young!

What's cuter than a baby sleeping? A baby sucking their thumb while sleeping. That's what.

Or possibly a baby in a hooded towel.....

Behold her favorite napping position.....

When I say this one is smiley baby, I MEAN IT. All the time. For no reason. Just smiley to be smiley. When I look back to compare same age pictures of big sis I have a hard time finding ones where Hallie is smiling. Haha! She did have her grumpy pants on for a good part of the first year of her life. This one could not more different. To say she brightens our days is an understatement....


She's plenty loved around here, that's for sure....

A pesky little (well, actually kinda big) hemangioma popped up on her left shoulder around two months old. At first we mistakenly thought it was a spider bite. It looked nothing like Hallie's hemangioma. After a quick checkup at the doctor we were sent to a dermatologist in Enid to get things checked out. We now rub some medicine on it daily to reduce the size of it. Hopefully it will fade and eventually disappear like big sissy's did. She didn't seem too concerned about it at her appointment....

Laidback is something I need around here and this girl brings it. I could learn a thing or two from Bella....


It seemed like the days sometimes all ran together but I can tell you that the evenings were packed full of love. Well, after dance and gymnastics were done, backpack was unpacked, car was unloaded, paperwork was completed, books were read, bottles were washed, milk was pumped, baby was fed, dinner was made, dishes were done, house was picked up, laundry was folded, kids were bathed......then came the love. Hehe! We spent most evenings talking to our newest family member and finding ways to make her smile. This was a fun/crazy month of getting into a routine of work, daycare and school. I really could not have dreamed for a better beginning to our new normal. Hallie adjusted to her school schedule which made us all breathe a sigh of relief, Riley was a huge help int he evenings and Bella was along for the ride with few complaints. Sitting down to write this post created a few tears because I feel like she's already grown so much more. So bittersweet watching your baby grow.....

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