Friday, March 7, 2014

24 Week Bumpdate

Well this pregnancy has picked up some steam, hasn't it? The belly continues to grow at an exponential rate, it's already time to take the lovely glucose tolerance test, the nursery is halfway complete and back pain has reared its ugly head. My mantra this week has been "four months left, four months left...." Four months left!?!?!?!? I'm not sure my belly has much more room to expand. 

Since my last update we have decided on a name for our sweet pea. Princess #2 will be known as our Bella Kaye, Bella Kay, Bella K or Bella Kae. Obviously we could use some help with the middle name spelling. Riley came up with her name and I was elated that it was something we both loved. The waterworks started flowing when he suggested "K" as a middle name for my momma. He may never know how much that means to me that he suggested it. Miss Bella has a name and a nursery too! After spending a large amount of time on Pinterest I found that I wasn't a fan of anything I saw in nursery trends. After much thought I had a vision....of mint and coral. Blankets, lamp shade, changing pad cover, coral paint for the dresser, rocking chair, a mint colored "B" for the wall and curtains will arrive on my doorstep soon thanks to a bunch of simple online shopping. Nanny will be making the crib bedding once the fabric arrives. 

Thank you online shopping....from the bottom of my heart. 
Sincerely, a girl out west.

Her nursery was born the day we started painting. Riley put up chair railing and I painted a pretty mint color underneath the chair rail and we left the beige that was on top. My hope is to have it complete before my seven month update to show the transformation from a junk/storage room to a room fit for a tiny princess. I've been working hard on an old dresser that was given to us by a friend's parents. Peeling veneer, sanding drawers, painting (safe paint, no worries!) and begging Riley to spray the top coat over the dresser. I'm dying to put the cute little knobs on and have a place to start putting those sweet wittle baby clothes in. Speaking of wittle baby clothes, Katie dropped off all of the clothes we've accumulated together over the past three years. I've been sorting through them little by little and have had a rush of memories flooding the room as I picked up each tiny outfit. "Oh those favorite! Wow, that dress was my favorite! No wait, that jumper was my absolute favorite. Definitely." With each piece I find that just about everything I dressed Hallie in was my favorite. Playing dressup on a new tiny doll will be much more fun this time with an older sister to help me pick out cute items. 

 I'm told to "slow down" on a daily basis but that doesn't seem to be something I'm capable of. When I do find a bit of down time I can be found in the nursery working on some sort of task or picking up the ten thousand dress up high heels and hair accessories that are strewn about the house. The only thing that forces me to the couch is when my legs start talking to me. Well, more like my hips. And my back. I'm hesitant to say anything else about back pain because I'm trying to pretend it's not happening this time around. Last go round with Hallie required seeing a massage therapist AT LEAST twice a week between month six and eight to deal with the spasms and tension from the physical demands of my job. Way too much $$$$$$$$ spent at the spa. That's all I'll say about that. 

Baby shower season has officially begun and I've enjoyed two lovely showers for two out of my 2,456 pregnant friends. Exciting times!!! Some very, very sweet friends are hosting a diaper/frozen meal shower in a little over a month for Bella and I. AM. EXCITED. 

Random facts to end this month's bumpdate: Baby girl is healthy and active. She likes to party at night just like her big sis. She's been begging me to eat oranges and cherry limeaides. I can't say I blame her. Yummo. Pregnancy insomnia has been MUCH better this month. I'm suddenly blind as a bat. I think (I emphasize THINK) that Riley has come to terms with the whole pink thing happening again for a second time. Hallie includes Bella in story time before she goes to bed. She kisses my belly and it's quite possibly the best thing in the entire world. When asked by someone if she is having a baby sister or baby brother her response is this without fail..."God made my baby a girl." It takes me a awhile to pick up the pieces of my heart each time I hear her say it. 

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