Thursday, May 10, 2012

Until Next Time, Jersey

As mentioned in my previous post, we had some very special family fly in for Bailey's wedding. Ashley made her second trip to the great state of Oklahoma (here is a look at her first trip from last summer) and her sweet momma Marion (my mom's first cousin) came along with her this time for a little R&R with the fam...and of course the big wedding! It was the first time a lot of us "kids" had met her. Enid isn't all that far away from Woodward but it sure seems like it when all I wanna do is spent every possible second with my family. Which brings me to Tuesday. I was pretty elated that I was able to spend Thursday, Friday, Saturday and part of Sunday with the fam. BUT it just wasn't enough. I figured everyone would be getting together for a farewell dinner on Tuesday so I'd made plans to go back to Enid for the day. Well that all changed on Monday when I found out that a day off was not in the cards this week. Boo...hiss. I went about my Tuesday with a slight amount of bitterness in the back of my mind. It was bothering me enough that I decided to just go ahead and go to Enid after work. What the hey!? After all, I wasn't sure when the next time I'd get to see them would be. I wanted to surprise the girls so I told Lisa that Hal and I were on our way. She made sure to have them in the backyard when we got there. We spent some time out by the pool in the perfcct weather for awhile watching Hal be Hal and splash her feetsies in the pool in between screaming fits about nothing at all. It soon became a game to scale the side of the pool while I ran in front of her keeping her from getting too close. The girl was pretty brave considering the pool is still pretty chilly. Lisa and I took it as a sign that she's more than ready for SUMMER!

The girls were surprised and the evening trip was well worth it! Gman would have to agree seeing as how he got to have some time with his little girl. She got so excited when she spotted him when he got to the restaurant. I think the feeling was mutual.....

Taking a break from smiling to pick her nose. So lady-like.

Hallie Grace was on top of her game at dinner. And by that I simply mean that she was ca-razy!!!!!! Knocking my water over, slinging salsa everywhere, insisting on changing into her pajamas during the meal, making a pile of debris under her highchair and being slightly loud. Ok, maybe more like ca-razy LOUD!!! But the girl was some great entertainment. She showed everyone her "excited face".....

It must've been contagious.....

Keep working on that one Gar

"I'm just a trendy baby...what can I say??"

The whole group had their excited faces on by the end of dinner....

It made for a late night but Hal gave no protesting about the car ride (it may have had something to do with the sucker I gave her) and I was thrilled to have had one more night with the Jersey girls. They flew out Wednesday morning. :( I think I speak for everyone in the fam when I say that we can't wait til they return to our on earth will we ever perfect our "Joisey" accents without them around more often?!?!?! 

We love you Ashley and Marion!!!

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