Sunday, May 20, 2012

Livin' for the Weekend

Busy bUsY BUSY week! Flew right by but yet dragged on and on. So instead of trying to actually remember what went on this past week I'm just going to go with a highlight reel. Because honestly I'm sitting her trying to recall things that happened....ANYTHING....and nothing is coming to me. But I wouldn't be the crazy camera-wielding mom I am without having taken plenty of pics to capture Hal's week. Hopefully these  will refresh my memory.

Here goes it.......

Monday: I have no recollection or photographic evidence from that day. That about sums it up. ;)

Tuesday: Mommy's day off! Score!! Us girlies had quite the spectatular day considering she was in a very happy mood (which is rather rare these days). To the best of my knowledge, I believe we started off the day running errands around town (quite a few in fact). She was dressed in her tomboy finest. Backwards hat and all. By the way, she puts her hat on like this volunarily and it sort of scares me. ;)

She was my happy helper as we made our way around town. She put up with her indecisive mother as I hummmmed and hawwwwed over planting pots and ending up leaving the store with nothing and no better ideas of what I wanted. What I did want was a place to go with options. That doesn't exist nearby I'm finding. Her favorite place was the nursery....

"I'd go witht he begonias if I were you, mom"

While on our way back home a certain little lady began calling for Nanny from the backseat...

"Give me my Nanny now!"

Nanny just happened to be home so we stopped by and crashed her house cleaning party she had going on. Luckily we kept Hal contained in the backyard so the cleaning she had done thus far was not reversed by my crazy near two-year-old maniac. We hung out with Nanny for a bit until it was time to go meet Riley for lunch at the hospital. That makes two family lunches in the cafeteria in one must be love! Speaking of love, I am in LOVE with this picture that a friend sent of Riley. The managers all put on their hairnets and served up some breakfast to employees. He was looking mighty fine in his hairnet, dontcha think?? ;)

The two of us had to wait downstairs a bit for dad to get done with some work.....
"I'll just look at myself in this camera until he gets here!"

She was so excited when she heard a man coming around the corner that she started running toward him with her arms open only to realize that it wasn't her dada. That gave everyone a pretty big laugh when she stopped dead in her tracks and turned in the other direction. We had a fun lunch with Riley and chatted with lots of friends I ran into. Hal was looking pretty darn cute in her new outfit we'd bought that morning....

Naptime was spent blogging and considering a nap. But as usual I had waited to long and feared that she would stir the moment I closed my eyes. But to my surprise she took a three hour nap. I didn't get squat done but I did take a load off which is what I needed to get charged up for the rest of the work week. After sleepy head jumped out of her crib we got to playing. Rewind for a moment: YES, I said "jumped out of her crib!!!" Holy Moses. I walked in to grab her from her bed and found her looking up at me at the door. She just gave me a sly smile and giggled. My escape artist and I went to the park, the store and ran even more errands. She got an A+ for perfect behavior.

"Aren't I always good...."

On Wednesday evening Riley suggested that we go for a little walk together. You can imagine how quickly us girls jumped at the chance to get out of the house. To the walking trails we went. But daddy had other plans for us. Instead of following the trails he decided that we'd make our own trails and we ended up in a field....
"Dad, are you sure about this?"

Oh yeah, I forgot to the mention we brought the WHOLE fam......
Dogs included

Hallie had us in stitches as she did an adorable baby version of a jog. Her little running shorts make me giddy!
"What's my time mom!!"

Riley was the leader of our pack....

Right smack dab in the middle of our walk something insanely cool happened. While my two crazy cats were "hiding" in the tall grass Riley asked a simple question. "Hallie, where's God?" My little lady responded the best way she knew how.....
Heart. Exploding.

As if this momma could get any happier....well, I went and got even happier. These two (or four I should say) fulfill every want and need. This is all I need....
"Get along little doggies"

The little stinker insisted on walking Emmi on her own. I must say she did a pretty darn good job at it....
The windblown look

She was a trooper as she trudged over the rifts in the dirt and through some tall grass. Of course paranoid freakazoid momma was on snake and other animal patrol while they braved the field. I was behind them prancing in the dirt trying to avoid getting my shoes dirty. These two make quite the pair. Daddy's tomboy in the making....

But of course she's got a little bit of her sissy momma in her as well....
"Get me out of these itchy weeds!"

She wasn't ready to leave our outdoor adventure and showed her defiance by insisting on riding on the front of the stroller. Being the mother and father of the year contestants that we are, we let her stay put.....
"I love a good amount of danger in my life"

Not only did she not want to ride in the stroller the proper way, but she also wasn't a big fan of getting back in the truck either. She had things to do, people!
"I'll chain myself to this, you just watch me!!"

"Or I'll just tangle myself up in it so you can't take me!!"

She eventually jumped on board the leaving train with the promise of an apple juice from Sonic. Works like a charm everytime! Bubble bath, reading, Mickey and it was time for bed. Hal was exhausted after her "hike" through the field. I had to drag the sleepy head out of bed the next morning. Which brings me to.....

Thursday: I popped a brisket in the oven that morning that had been marinating all night. It was already a great start to the day knowing that dinner would be ready when we walked through the door.

******I've suddenly realized that I have Wednesday and Thursday confused. See, I told you I can't remember!!!!!! So instead of going back and retyping all of that correctly I'm just going to forego that even though it makes me a little queasy to leave things out of order. Sheesh, I need help. ;) Our lil family walk through the field was actually Thursday night. Here are some pictures of our Wednesday evening that I thought was Thursday. Are you as confused as I am now??*******

On **WEDNESDAY** (lol), Carmen and Nanny came over for the evening to have dinner with us since Papa, Luke, Katie and Kylie were at the Thunder playoff game. The girls joined us for some lasagna and a trip to the park.....

Carm and I had the stroller....

....while Nanny and Hal took the bike.

Friday: Ok, I swear I'm back on track. My memory has a pretty accurate recollection of Friday. Maybe. ;) Super busy day with lots of paperwork and playing catch up. This was my last week doing therapy in the schools since summer begins next week for the kiddos and I had to finish up all of my school stuff. I got a call from Paula about Hallie Grace spiking a silly little fever. Or maybe not so little...poor baby had a 103 fever and bright red, hot cheeks. I hurried as fast as I could to pick the toot up and found her in a very happy mood despite her hotness. We headed straight home for some snuggle time which must've helped a lot. Oh yeah, and the cold bath. She didn't want to get out....she just played and played and played until she was the extreme opposite of hot and her toes were going to freeze off. And speaking of toes, the crazy girl cut her footsie on the back door and gave me a reason to bust out the Hello Kitty bandaid box....

She was a bit of a sluggish Sally part of the evening.....

BUT as the evening went on she perked up a bit and the fever had left so we went on a walk around the neighborhood. She wiggled her booty up the hill in her pjs holding her dad's hand....

"Dad you shoulda worn your pjs too"

We stopped at the park to "ning" on the swing and saw Aunt Ky walking over from her boyfriend Justin's house. Kylie played with Hal at the park for a while until it was bathtime. She curled up on the floor to start the Thunder game with us but didn't have a lot of thunder left in her by the end of the day....

It's Sunday night now and I'm watching at Riley videos Hallie dancing to the "We Did It" song on Dora the Explorer. The girl is getting after it, let me tell ya....but what she needs to be getting after is bed time!

As much as I enjoy any day of the week with my lil fam.....around here we be livin' for the weekend.

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