Monday, May 7, 2012

Dad's Garden

Fact #1: I did not get my dad's green thumb. 

Fact #2: His thumb has extra super green powers. 

Fact #3 : Mom would love what he's done to the backyard this year......

I have heard my dad tell tales of hours spent sprucing up the backyard for this spring and summer...I've heard him answer the phone out of breath sounding liked he'd just run a marathon...I've heard him tell me how good everything was looking....but I had yet to actually see it with my own eyes. Last year was the first year in ages that my dad did not pretty up the yard. He had a lot on his mind. I'm sure he still has a lot on his mind but he had the energy this year to get back to what he loves to do......

I was in awe when I saw that everything was already so full and colorful. I couldn't help but take pictures of everything. I'm not sure what all he's growing in the garden this year but it's safe to guess tomatoes and cucumbers will be popping up soon for his eating pleasure....

Now I just need to get him to come to our house and plant things, water them and make them actually grow. That's not too much to ask for, right?

I don't know many men who take this much pleasure in planting flowers, hanging plants and tending to their gardens. Keep up the good work Mr. Green Thumb! It's looking mighty fine!

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