Thursday, May 24, 2012

The First Swim of the Summer

Even though Hal isn't a school-age kiddo yet we treated yesterday as the official beginning of summer since it was the last day of school here in Woodward. In prep for the sunny summer months we've been wanting to set up a pool for Hal. Last year she splashed around in a teeny tiny little blowup pool so we thought it was time for an upgrade. I'm not a big fan of characters but this Hello Kitty pool caught my eye. So Hello Kitty it will be! I think it may have just been my tendency to match things. So let me present to you my little swimmer in her Hello Kitty bikini watching her Hello Kitty pool fill up......

Matchy matchy! <3

She was having a bit of a counterproductive moment while she stood on the side of the pool holding it down while the water flowed out around her feet. But as you can see my plea for her to please step into the pool and not on top of it did not register with her....

"la la la la la la la, I can't hear you"

The water bug broke the ultimate swimming rule.......

She sure didn't wait 30 minutes to swim after sharing this pizza with her dad

The action going on inside the pool didn't last near as long as her duties outside of the pool. She felt like a big girl holding the hose as it filled up the pool with ice cold water....

Riley and I sat in the "splash zone" as she flung the hose around and giggled as the water came down on her. She was quite the sight to see as she side stepped around the pool with her bathing suit bottoms falling off....

Crack kills

Along with her pool she picked out some swimming friends that she had quite a good time hunting down in the water...

"Here ducky ducky"

She found a special seat for the lifeguards on duty....

The water was insanely cold and I have no idea how she sat down in the pool. Riley said it took her breath away and she let out an exhilarating squeal when she first jumped in. It was all I could do to put my feet in and play with her....

This next shot was just too irresistible. Total blackmail and bargaining tool for her teenage years.....

I'm looking outside right now and hoping that the sun is busy warming up the pool so that we can hop back in after Hallie's nap. Fun summer days they are ahead of us.....

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