Sunday, May 13, 2012

Carmen Came to Play

Miss Carmen Jo joined us for a playdate Friday evening while her mommy got a little pampering done. The girls did spectacular together! They are still warming up to eachother and figuring out the ins and outs of their cousinship/friendship. They don't know it yet....but they are bound to be BFFs. I was excited to be able to load them up in the wagon for a little stroll down the street. Carmen did great in the wagon and sat on the seat holding on tight to the side of the wagon while Hal squirmed here and there and everywhere. Heck, I was just glad that Hal shared her wagon!!!

"Yeah, I'll share. She seems like a pretty cool baby."

First we rode down to get the mail (which just happens to be one of Hal's favorite chores). I handed the mail to Hallie who had better things to do (like eat Fruit Loops from the almost empty bag that she retrieved from the top of the trash can....sheesh!) than sort through mail. Instead she handed off each piece of mail to Carmen one by one saying "go...go...go." That's "here ya go" in baby terms if you didn't catch that. ;) Carmen had her own way of "sorting" that Hal didn't know what to think about.....

"Oh my....."

We made our way back indoors to cool off a bit and Carmen did some exploring with her bottle in tow....

"Guarding this with my life....have you seen how much that girl Hal drinks??!!"

Hallie kept up her sharing streak by handing Carmen her squishy light-up balls....

"Hal, I don't mean to be rude but what's gotten into you??"

I think she enjoyed all of the good praise she was receiving from momma for being a nice girl and sharing...

That face looks like it could go either way: good or evil?

Lil red was feeling adventurous and I found her coming very close to opening the spare bedroom door on her own....

"I know that slide is hiding in here...."

And she was right. It was hiding....

Riley thinks the slide is a safety hazard. I think it's fun. He won this argument when we caught her walking down the slide like a daredevil. Guess the slide will have to wait a lil bit longer still. Carmen explored the mostly empty room while Hal did her slide stunts. Content would be the word to describe this lil sweetie....

The sliding continued until Riley got home from work. Her sliding privileges were revoked at that point. ;)

"Wait! One last time!!!"

Hal took a trip back down Baby Lane with her crawling cousin....

When Katie showed up we wanted to show her how well Carmen did in the wagon. Well that is until Hal decided to take off with the wagon and Katie did an emergency baby evacuation before Hal did any damage....
"Ah, come on guys!"

We rolled the ball around while Carmen crawled every last inch of the concrete....

The girls had their own little "tailgate party" in the back of Katie's car until Riley returned with dinner....
"Carmen, I think I heard someone say "pizza"...we had better go!!"

We all shared a pizza and the girls stayed for a while to catch up. It was a nice way to unwind on a Friday evening. It felt good to be livin' on Carmen and Hallie time!

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